Has the Treaty of Union 1707 been replaced?
As you know I have pointed out for quite some time that the English Act of Union Bill (2017-2019) was being enacted in all but name. Now it has replaced the original English Act of Union!
During indyref the English establishment promoted the paper they commissioned Crawford and Boyle to pen stating that Scotland was extinguished and subsumed into a Greater England albeit under the new name of "UK". They then on 19 September 2014 drew up EVEL and had that enacted creating, in breach of the treaty, in essence an English parliament within the parliament of GB. Then they sought an exit from the EU.
During that time though they drew up the English Act of Union (2017-2019) Bill. Facing opposition they let it sit and instead tried to write into law English parliamentary sovereignty via Clause 38. The building blocks were being put in place - the parliament and sovereignty. They then changed how Scots are identified internationally along with the name of the state by classing Scots as English subjects via travel requirements for motorists and changing Great Britain to United Kingdom. It should be pointed out that they also removed Scots nationality and replaced it with British and had all legal identifiers changed to UK and British. They even set up an English governmental office in the capital of Scotland and in Glasgow. They then had the English supreme court judgement claim that English (UK) law was in essence supreme. Bear in mind that they have enacted law that means the English government supercede the English courts!
All of which is in violation of the treaty of 1707 and fundamentally alters the very nature of the treaty.
The next thing to be changed by the English government is the Human Rights Act which the English government are replacing with an English Human Rights Bill (soon to be Act).
While all this has been enacted and in the case of human rights is being drawn up and legislated for, Scotland has been crying "now is not the time". When is the time? When the English Human Rights Act is enacted as well? After that? In how many months, years? Scotland is actively being extinguished and the Scottish government and Scots representatives remain silent. If Scotland does not stand up NOW it will be too late. It already is in many ways.
Here are a few links. note the terminology used. The wording in particular to the English Act of Union Bill especially part 1 section 1 and the IM Act.
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