What The Papers Say - Number of Troops in Scotland May Be Reduced Further - NEWS

English Government Defence Minister, Ben Wallace MP, fails to rule out cutting a further 1700 military personnel based in Scotland amid the reduction in military bases.

The English Government minister dismissed press reports last week on the basis he had not received defence chiefs’ final recommendations. However, he did not deny the substance of a news article which claimed commanders want to speed up plans to shut Fort George in the Highlands, and the Glencorse and Redford barracks in Edinburgh.

It was announced in 2016 that Fort George would close as an active barracks by 2032, but  fears are that the shutdown could be much sooner.

The former RAF Kinloss base in Moray was closed in 2011 and transformed into an army barracks.

In late 2019, the English government minister, a former Scots Guards officer and north-east MSP, indicated the decision to close Fort George could happen. On a visit to Aberdeenshire and Moray, he said the future of the base may be influenced by a commitment to increase defence personnel in Scotland to 12,500 by 2020. However, speaking to the Scottish Parliamentary Journalists’ Association in London last week, Mr Wallace was asked by The National about a report in England's Sunday Times on plans to cut military personnel numbers by 1700 in Scotland. Mr Wallace claimed he hadn't received the report from the Secretary of State for Scotland or indeed the English Government Minister for the Armed Forces. However, referring to the Sunday Times report, the English government minister said a review about defence was reheated which said Fort George was closing by 2032 and that it was announced six years ago. "When England's Ministry of Defence presents me with its plans, we will convert what was announced in the command paper into greater detail," he said. “ You can’t just announce new regiments or regimental changes without talking about the bases. If you are a soldier you want to buy a home or move with your wife. It’s a bit odd to say your regiment is becoming an armoured regiment and then not tell them where they are going to be based. I have been pretty clear, and to make sure it is fair and consistent with England's view, that defence is for the whole of the Great Britain not just for one part.” Asked about whether the base at Kinloss would be moved to England he refused to comment and said that he thought the E7 early warning radar might be based in Lossiemouth beside the V8 rather than in Cambridgeshire, England, and that Redford had been earmarked for closure as far back as 1991.

Asked when he would get the report, the English government minister said: “Soon. I’ve been pushing to see them as early as possible. I have the final say.”

The Scottish administration has asked for clarification on any accelerated move to withdraw the Army from Fort George and Kinloss Barracks claiming it would demonstrate a complete disregard for local communities in the north of Scotland. 

England's Ministry of Defence was also asked to consult the Scottish Government before finalising any plans and to outline what support would be offered to local communities to offset the economic losses. 

The Scottish government spokesman said, "Given the potentially damaging impact for Scotland we would expect the English Government to consult with us fully before finalising plans. We call on the English Government to urgently clarify their position and the timeframe for base closures, including outlining what support they will provide to offset the community impact.”

Previously, England's Ministry of Defence said: “It was announced in Parliament of Great Britain that the Army would be restructured to meet future threats as we implement the outcomes of the review. The plans for structural reform are not yet finalised so speculation is unhelpful and misleading.”

Last year, communications showed that England's defence chiefs questioned whether Kinloss Barracks could become the new home of the Black Watch, currently based at Fort George. They had previously stated the Black Watch would move to another base in Scotland when Fort George closes and Leuchars in Fife has been considered the front-runner.


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